Cell, strip, flowers or abstraction? We will tell you how to navigate when choosing wallpaper for the kitchen and not regret it. In our selection, only the current options.
In modern designs, the most popular materials for wall decoration are paint and plaster. Against this background, the other options do not seem so relevant. However, this is not quite true. A pretty interior can be created on the basis of any coating. Consider the trendiest kitchen wallpaper in 2022.
This is not to say that this is a new trend. This is a classic that will always be relevant – smooth paintable wallpaper. Their main advantage is that you can easily change the color. The only question is the palette. Today, interior fashion strives for sustainability. And this is due to the choice of shades.
Beige, gray, milky – a base that can be used in any interior: from hi-tech to Scandinavian style.
If you want to add color, choose complex tones: mustard, terracotta, dusty blue, emerald, and so on. They don’t have to be flashy, the palette looks modern in muted shades.
The choice of shade is also influenced by the lighting in the room. The more sunlight, the darker the color scheme can be, and vice versa. The same goes for temperature. A classic rule of thumb is if your home lacks sun, go for warmer colors. You can cool the space with cold colors with a blue undertone.
Textured wallpaper in the kitchen – trends 2022
The trend for textures can be seen in the interiors of all rooms: from the bedroom to the bathroom, the dining room and the kitchen are no exception. Absolutely different textures are relevant, including concrete, marbled and any other stone, as well as abstractions.
Textured wallpaper is suitable for those who want to make an accent wall, but do not want it to be too bright. This finish stands out from the main finish without detracting from it.
In this case, it is important that the materials are combined with the apron and table top. It is safest to choose neutral tile or stone for your work surface. If you like the idea of patterns, then try to choose tiles in the same palette as the accent wallpaper.
Wall murals are another good way to diversify the design. It is also a good solution for small spaces: a single image visually enlarges the room.
When choosing photowall-paper, special attention is paid to the selection of the image. What exactly is not relevant? Real photographs: urban and natural landscapes, still lifes, inexpensive computer graphics with design elements, too bright flashy pictures.
Instead, more decorative prints will do: let it be stylized graphics and painting. In such a performance can be landscapes and still lifes.
Images of foliage, twigs, trees and other greenery are also popular. In the photo, these fashionable wallpaper trends 2022 for the kitchen look very fresh, add a touch of eco to the interior.
Calmer minimalist prints can be used as a base coat. These are offered by Scandinavian manufacturers. This is usually a muted finish that is not conspicuous.
If you are attracted by a bright range, pay attention to prints with fruits, palms and an admixture of other colors. These are produced by British designers. Using a bright coating as the main one is risky, the room may turn out to be too colorful. It is better to make an accent with their help.
Notice how cool the green flooring looks with furniture made of natural unpainted wood. This is the perfect natural combination. But besides, bright wardrobes will do. For example, all shades of greenery: from emerald and marsh to olive.
The striped finish is not new, it is another classic that is trending today. There are no restrictions here. Stripes can be vertical, horizontal, thin or thick, bright or black and white.
The main advantage of this print: its geometry, or rather, the ability to adjust the proportions of the room. A small vertical pattern will visually make the ceiling higher, and a horizontal one will expand the room.
Abstract prints
This can include any print with a repeating pattern, from dots and checks to decorative geometry.
While it seems easy to find such a pattern, it is not. Many of the products presented in the store are outdated. They can be easily distinguished by their pearlescent sheen, monograms, color ombre within the picture. The more complex the drawing, the more likely it is that it is out of date.
Simplicity is the main criterion for choosing a printed coating. To navigate modern patterns, browse the websites of handicraft manufacturers – these are the same European and American companies. Even within a limited budget, you can try to find something similar in the mass market.
Toile and graphics
What other wallpapers are considered trendy for the kitchen in 2022? Undoubtedly toile and graphics. These prints come from the fashion world and are unlikely to leave the market in the next few seasons.
Toile, whose full French name is Toile de Jouy, is a natural cotton fabric with a printed pattern. It comes in two colors. Traditionally, pastoral and classical scenes were depicted on the fabric. However, in today’s performance, it can be any picture, up to animals and plants.
As for graphics, the main thing here is monochrome. The plot does not matter: it can be more decorative drawings with leaves, and elaborate engravings. Such a coating looks very stylish in monochrome interiors, where a soft accent is needed, which will emphasize the design.
Another classic in our selection today is floral designs. And when choosing such materials, you should also be careful.
Rolls should not be overflowing and shiny, such were popular 10-15 years ago.
No additional decor in the form of monograms, curls and other elements that give out cheap neoclassicism.
Realistic images of flowers do not work either. In general, as you noticed, in principle, there should be no realism in any of the prints.
What will fit? Decorativeness, soft colors and minimalism are in fashion. Painted flowers, neat delicate patterns that add Scandinavian notes, an addition in the form of animals – all this looks much fresher and more modern.
Author and editor. I write about Interior designs, Beauty tips, IT services for business, Real estate and foreign trade. Strongly passionate about games, comics, art, literature, design, fashion and decoration, I will tell you in detail the best stories in the world of beauty and will guide you through the most popular trends of the moment.